TODAY'S TIP: California Legal Forms Are you looking for a power of attorney agreement, a simple will form, or another legal document? The Gale California Legal Forms database provides thousands of up-to-date California legal forms for SFPL patrons. Official legal forms for business, personal, and litigation are available. These legal forms are drafted and vetted by attorneys, and the content is specifically tailored to California law.
How do you use the CA legal forms database? As with any database adventure, begin at, then click on e-Library and then Articles and Databases. Choose Government from the pull-down Category menu, and you will see CA Legal Forms. You can search the database by title, or click category to see the forms available in a given area. Forms can be downloaded in Word format and filled in online. The forms contain italicized text which tells you what information should go in each blank.
Excelsior Librarians and Staff share tips & tricks to help you make the most of the San Francisco Public Library catalog, databases and website. New tips posted Tuesdays on the Excelsior Blog. Watch this space!