Bike to Work Day

Today is Bike to Work Day in San Francisco.

To search for all things bicycles and bicycling, make a KEYWORD search for words in the SUBJECT HEADING using tag s: for subject, like this:

KEYWORD s:bicycl*

The asterisk is a wildcard representing the end letters in bicycle, bicycling, bicycles
(you can also use d: for "descriptor")

Click here for results of that search.

To find the list of Subjects available at SFPL in this area, make a SUBJECT search for bicycle:

SUBJECT bicycleClick here for the resultant list of subjects.

You can limit your search by location by changing from View Entire Collection to the name of a branch. You can limit your results to only items available by checking that box. By clicking on the "Limit/Sort Search" or "Modify Search" button you can narrow your search by language or by media type (book or DVD etc).