TODAY'S TIP: POETRY - You can find nearly any kind of poetry you want at San Francisco Public Library. To find poetry, you can do a keyword search for “poetry,” but more than likely you will want to narrow the selection to a specific kind of poetry. Do a subject search for “poetry” and look at the list. If you want to find love poetry, there’s a subject heading just for that.

Popular with kids of all ages, you can find books by Shel Silverstein or Jack Prelutsky in our collection. To find those poems for children, you can do a keyword search for “Children's poetry” or to narrow the selection to a specific kind of poetry do a subject search for “Children's poetry” and look at the list, which includes poetry from African-American to Yiddish. For the younger set, you can also find “nursery rhymes.”

Excelsior Librarians and Staff share tips & tricks to help you make the most of the San Francisco Public Library catalog, databases and website. New tips posted Tuesdays on the Excelsior Blog. Watch this space!