District 11 Clean-Up this Saturday

Graffiti and trash in the neighborhood getting you down? Don't know what to do with unwanted household items? Be part of District 11 clean-up this Saturday:
*Community Clean Day in District 11*
Join me and other district volunteers to tackle projects all around District 11, from cleaning and greening projects to graffiti and trash clean-up!  Lunch will be provided for participants.  Please bring appropriate clothing for working outside.  Bringing a reusable water bottle is highly recommended. You can still sign up to volunteer or to get your group on the list by contacting Jerad.Weiner@sfdpw.org.
When: Saturday, July 20th; 9:00 am – 12:00 noon
Where: Kickoff event at Balboa High School, 1000 Cayuga Avenue near
Onondaga; work sites throughout the district

*Gigantic 3 Recycling Program*

The Gigantic 3 program is a free Bulky Item Drop Off Service that allows district residents to get rid of unwanted household items as volunteers clean up the district during Community Clean Team Day. Items that can be dropped off include: Green Waste and Other Compostables; Large or Bulky Items, including recyclables, electronics, appliances, mattresses and box springs, and scrap metal; non-recyclable/non-compostable waste such as plastic bays, Styrofoam, lighbulbs, used motor oil and filters, and household batteries.  There will also be free shredding and document destruction on site.  For more information, call (415) 552-9201.  FREE COMPOST will also be offered to district residents at this site.

When: Saturday, July 20th 8:00 am – 12:00 noon
June Jordan School, 325 La Grand Avenue and Brazil

Thank you to Supervisor Avalos' office for alerting us about this event!